NDIHOSE PACKAGE for everyone.

NDIHOSE_PACKAGE is a package for everyone all the time. #WEGE_COMPANY#NDIHOSE_PACKAGE#Tekera_neza, #ukingiye_ibidukikije.
NDIHOSE_PACKAGE is a package for everyone all the time. #WEGE_COMPANY#NDIHOSE_PACKAGE#Tekera_neza, #ukingiye_ibidukikije.
Let’s take a quick look back at images of the Forum entitled #YOUTH_IN_BUSINESS_FORUM in which our director #Jolis was a special guest #speaker to encourage young entrepreneurs as well as those aspiring to entrepreneurship. This Forum took place on 09/15/2023 at #ROYAL_PALACE_HOTEL Bujumbura, and it was organized by #Burundi_Agency_for_Development (#ADB),…
Since Wednesday 1/2/2023, in the province of Gitega, WEGE_COMPANY has been participating in a 3-day workshop organized by the Government of Burundi and UNDP on the theory of change as part of the formulation of the new Country Program (CPD) 2024-2027. The objective of this workshop was: “to…
NDIHOSE_PACKAGE is a sustainable solution for users and for the environment. #WEGE_COMPANY#NDIHOSE_PACKAGE#Tekera_neza,#ukingiye_ibidukikije.
WEGE COMPANY wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2023 to you! #WEGE_COMPANY#NDIHOSE_PACKAGE#Tekera_neza,#Ukingiye_ibidukikije.