Call for Professional Internship Application. WEGE COMPANY wishes to recruit interns who will work within its marketing department.

WEGE COMPANY’s documentary was officially published by the CHINESE GOVERNMENT.

In this forum, different authorities were present. Xu Xiao, Vice President of All-China Youth Federation, Amakobe Sande, Representative of UNICEF China, Zhou Haibing, Vice Governor of Hunan Provincial People’s Government and Acting Mayor of Municipal People’s Government, Rahamantalla M.Osman, Permanent Representative of the African Union Office China, and Nizar Ben Néji, Minister of Communication Technology of Tunisia attended the forum and delivered speeches. Dong Xia, Deputy Secretary-General of All-China Youth Federation, Wang Guishu, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Association, Tan Yong, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hunan Xiangjiang New Area (Changsha High-tech Zone), Secretary of CPC Yuelu District Committee, Li Zhichao, Secretary of the Communist Youth League of Hunan Provincial Committee, and He Zhaohui, Director of the Administrative Committee of Hunan Xiangjiang New Area (Changsha High-tech Zone), Chief of Yuelu District People’s Government, attended the event.

 This forum was held at the #Changsha_International_Conference_Center on June 30, 2023.

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